What is the OS you develop Ruby on?

Going at meetups and conferences, I often feel I’m the only person there with a Linux machine (Ubuntu). Lost in a sea of Macs I look around try to spot any other similar-minded people but it’s very rare to find a non-Mac-using Rubyist these days.

Is anyone out there developing with Ruby on Linux? Is there actually anyone developing on …dare I say it… Windows? Come on guys and girls, there must be more than just me using the penguin. Stand up and be counted :grinning:

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I am an avid Mac fan as well :stuck_out_tongue:

However I know that @RickCarlino, @ybur_yug and @danielpclark all use Linux …so you are not alone, hehe :smiley:

Windows Ruby development is honestly somewhere between a nightmare and complete masochism. SSL is broken if you try to install Rails through the typical workarounds, you can’t even get real ruby 2.2 running (or if you can I haven’t been able to) and the powershell is a strange, horrid beast.

I work in Ubuntu and have run Ubuntu exclusively for ~10yrs now. The OSX prevalence is definitely a thing but its neither good or bad. Its a BSD/Unix system that has great UX and Ruby baked in. Can’t fault anyone for wanting an easy/user friendly option. Plus who likes dicking with sound drivers for the umpteenth time trying to get a google hangout to work? :stuck_out_tongue:


Ubuntu. Always on Linux. I’ve tried developing on Windows but the SSL issue is pretty bad. (Here are the many things I did to fix it on Windows 7: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23263121/opensslx509storeerror-cert-already-in-hash-table )

I bought a Mac Mini (pre Intel), but I don’t see myself ever choosing to use it for Ruby. I had bought it in my iPhone refurb/jailbrake days.

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Sorry I totally forgot you were a Linux guy too @danielpclark! :blush: (Amended my post)

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Develop on Mac, deploy on Ubuntu.

Everything is packed into a Docker container upon deploy.

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phew, glad to see I’m not alone :joy: . I’m running Ubuntu 14.04 and combined with Sublime Text and Zsh/oh-my-zsh I have a killer dev environment (if I may say so myself).

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I switched from Ubuntu to OS X about two computers ago.

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I’m so sorry! :laughing:

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No need to be… I finally got to retire my “reconnect to wifi” script :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ouch! that was too close to the bone :smile:

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