What is your software development environment setup?

Continuing the discussion from What is the OS you develop Ruby on?:

Ubuntu 14.04 as well. I also like Crunchbang Linux (and yes it will live on).

If I had to use an IDE; I really like RubyMine. It’s worth purchasing. I’ve been actively training myself in VIM for a while now. I like it in a minimalist kind of way (use anywhere e.g. RPi). I’ve written a startup script to bring up my dev environment: dev_environment.sh · GitHub

For those curious I use RVM with the latest Ruby for my projects.

Please feel free to share your system software development environment (As-in the tools (software) of your trade.) and/or a similar startup script for your OS dev environment here.

This question includes editors, and windows you typically have open when working (related to your work).

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I use OS X and iterm2 with oh-my-zsh installed.

I was an Emacs guy for years until the RSI took its toll. Shifted a few years ago to Vim and now use it for all my main development (well neovim, now). I did run w/ Spacemacs for a bit, which is pretty nice, but felt sluggish compared to vim.

When I need a full blown debugger, I have a RubyMine license.

I brew up chruby and ruby-install to manage rubies, though I’m pretty much up to date on Ruby 2.2 everywhere.

What windows I have open and such just depends on what I’m working on, so no such start-up script for me.

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  • OSX
  • iTerm2
  • oh-my-zsh
  • RVM
  • RubyMine
  • Sometimes Sublime Text

When will RubyMine have discount again Q_Q

  • OS X
  • iTerm 2
  • RVM
  • MacVim
  • OS X Spaces & Full Screen Mode Apps & iTerm and Vim Split Screen Mode

I was going to do a screencast about this after @excid3 did a GoRaills cast on the topic, just haven’t got around to it - but basically I love full screen mode in OS X coupled with split windows in both iTerm and Vim.

My spaces are almost alway arranged as follows:

iTunes | Mail | Safari || DESKTOP || iTerm | MacVim | Chrome

So my everyday stuff on the left of the desktop, and everyday dev stuff to the right. Then any other full screen apps far right. I use the four finger swipe to navigate spaces (or via mission control or cmd tab).

I’ll see if I can get some screen grabs later…

  • Fedora 22
  • gnome-terminal
  • zsh & oh-my-zsh
  • chruby & gem_home
  • vim
  • tmux

Works really great for me :smile:

  • Debian Linux
  • Two monitors
  • no gdm or other graphical login manager
  • i3 tiling window manager
  • xterm
  • bash
  • screen (terminal multiplexor)
  • rvm
  • emacs (kitchen sink + editor)

Two monitors is great. I usually have one with a full-screen terminal running screen (terminal multiplexor); this is where work happens. The other usually has a browser, also full screen. This is where stalling happens.

I don’t run a graphical login manager, because… well, because I never have. It used to be much harder to get X11 running properly, and I find it easier to work on X11 problems when I can start it manually. And typing startx on each of the two or three times a year I cold boot the computer doesn’t bother me.

Except for graphical things like web browsers, image viewers, and etc., most of my development is in terminals inside the terminal emulator. This is great because I can switch between terminals with keystrokes (no leaving the home row to mess with the mouse). Also, when I need to do something remotely, I can ssh into the computer, grab the screen session, and then I’m right back where I left off: The editor still open to the same file I was working on, etc. This is awesome.

I run this setup on both my home computer and my work computer.


We have very similar set-ups, i use Zsh in conjunction with Terminator, so at any given time I’ll have 4-5 terminal sub-windows open: one for running redis, another one for my rails/sinatra server, one for irb and so on.

I tend to use Ubuntu’s workspaces a lot. I find the [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[arrows] combo much easier to use than [Alt] + [tab].

I’ve also set up my .gitconfig to use meld for merging and diffing.

Works well for me but if anyone has any suggestions for improvement I’m happy to listen

  • OS X
  • iTerm 2
  • MacVim
  • rbenv

I used to use a tmux + vim combo, but it was always too much hassle getting tmux working correctly when moving between computers, so currently giving up on it. It was useful though, but was a bit more than I needed.

Also, the MacBook (new 12inch) is pure joy for rails development. Never had a speed issue.


Really? That’s encouraging. (I think I read DHH say that it was too slow.)

I would love the new MacBook… but think I will wait for the 2nd or 3rd gen (or get a MBA as soon as they get Retina screens).

I loved working on an MBA. Only switched to MBP because they got thin enough to suit me and had more memory.

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I use a similar approach to @adambeynon , with a slightly different layout
Main Desktop first, fullscreen dev tools, main development browser window, iTerm and Vim sharing a desktop, other stuff after.

That way, moving from browser window to dev tools or to code is just a swipe away.

I do switch to using 3 finger swipe (instead of 4) for switching spaces though. 3 fingers is easier to do naturally for me.

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I have never found an issue. Spec suites run in an acceptable amount of time, even iOS development isn’t too bad. The screen estate makes Interface Builder tricky, but for coding swift its fine.

The only thing I don’t use this for is photoshop or illustrator work, but I would find the screen estate the first problem rather than the speed.

Maybe my apps are just too optimised, who knows :wink:

Knowing you, I guess so! :stuck_out_tongue: