What do you feel are Volt's drawbacks?

And what do you think we can do to improve it?

My biggest drawback is ERB, which I understand to be part of the price of admission; you can’t swap out ERB with Slim or even Haml without losing what makes Volt work.

ERB is a powerful tool; it’s just that I’ve seen perhaps as many as five projects where the ERB doesn’t look like an explosion in a PHP factory. Volt is (at least on track to being) awesome in spite of that.

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I’m not a fan of Mongo.

Loading everything over a web socket is cool, but sometimes w/ Volt (at least on the volt documentation site) you end up confusing behavior. For example, I’ve clicked a link on the docs, it took too long to load, so I clicked another link, which loaded, and then my first link loaded. That could happen over http, but browsers have fixed it already by canceling the first click when second happens.

That’s just a long way of saying that Volt is cool, but there’s a lot of problems of the web that browsers have solved that Volt still has to resolve. This isn’t unique to Volt; re-inventing browser solutions is something that crops up in all the SPA style solutions I’ve seen.

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@jdickey the template language in volt (it’s not erb) will be able to be swapped out. Someone did a basic haml implementation, but it still needs more work, imho. Long term we want to support haml, slim, etc… I personally haven’t had time to work on that yet.


@kofno so what’s funny is we use a gitbook app in an iframe for the docs, so I think the loading issue you saw was probably from gitbook :-). That said, we do have to reinvent some browser behavior in volt, but most of that is handled at the framework level. 0.9.3 added better render/loading behavoir that should improve experiences by default.

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I agree 100%! Though I was so interested in Opal. The Volt template was sadly an eye sore to look at; causing me to never give it a try.

It surely needs POSTGRESQL adapter.