Well done everyone!

What a great first day (and a bit) we’ve had :+1: and we haven’t even done any kind of real promotion yet!

When we put up a customised skin, I think we’ll be in a better position to start spreading the word more widely. In the meantime the threads you are all posting and taking part in will give people sometime to get their own teeth into :sunglasses: and help go towards your own trust levels.

Trust Levels = power to the community

Not sure if any of you are familiar with Discourse (the forum software powering MetaRuby) but it has a wonderful trust system that is based on user activity - taking into account giving and receiving likes, posting and replying to threads, how much of a regular you are and even the amount of time you spend reading!

Going up the trust level gives you more abilities. On trust level three for instance, you can:

  • recategorize and rename topics
  • access a private “frequent flier’s lounge” category only visible to users at trust level 3 and higher
  • have all your links followed (we remove automatic nofollow)
  • spam flags cast on Trust Level 0 user posts immediately reach the action threshold
  • Daily like limit increased by 2 ×

Trust Levels 1 and 2 also increase features and abilities, such as using the PM system, etc. So every minute you spend here, or thread you post or reply you make is not wasted - it helps you work your way up the community ladder. I really like this system and it is one of the reasons I felt Discourse was a perfect choice for us.

Tags - please help!

I think it would be cool to add tags for all the main Ruby related things members might want to talk about, such as, Rails, RubyMotion, JRuby, Gosu, Opal, Volt, Sinatra, etc You can actually watch or track tags too (just go to a tag and look in the top right area).

If you’ve got any ideas for some I’d be grateful if you could post some in this thread and I will start adding them (people at trust level three can add themselves).


If you have any other feedback or suggestions as well, please let me know :smile:

Thank you all for being part of MetaRuby, I am sure you’ll all help to make it into a wonderful friendly resource that does Matz and Ruby proud.

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