This lets you load application JavaScript asynchronously from `<head>`. Compatible with Turbolink v2, v5.0, v5.1, jquery-turbolinks, and no Turbolinks. Compatible with all browsers and IE9+ (only IE10+ will actually benefit from this though).
How to use this:
1. Add the [HTML snippet](#file-_end_of_body-html-erb) just before the closing `</body>` tag.
2. Add the [on_page_load.js](#file-on_page_load-js) script to the beginning of your `application.js`, and use `window.App.onPageLoad(...)` instead of `document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', ...)` and `jQuery(($) -> ...)` everywhere.
3. Include your JavaScript like so:
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<%# If the app JS is loaded via an [async] script, the JS may
run before or after DOMContentLoaded. Expose a flag, so it can
initialize correctly. %>
<script data-turbolinks-eval="false">
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
(window.App = window.App || {}).DOMContentLoadedFired = true;
(function() {
this.App = this.App || {};
var App = this.App;
var isTurbolinks = 'Turbolinks' in window && window.Turbolinks.supported;
var isTurbolinks5 = isTurbolinks && 'clearCache' in window.Turbolinks;
var onPageLoadFiredOnce = false;
var pageLoadCallbacks = [];
var triggerOnPageLoad = function() {
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