Wonder whether we should create a ‘Crystal Forum’ here on MR ?
I’d be down for that, but I don’t know how many others are in
Maybe see how it goes then for a while? Up to you guys - happy to add one if enough of you would like one
Well, I’d be thrilled to have one. Maybe there’s more interest then I think.
So, maybe others should speak up if they’d like to see it.
Ok - have split these posts into a new topic
Not seeing a lot of love for Crystal.
I would be interested too
Let the Crystal-ing commence
Damn I forgot to update this thread
Our Crystal Forum is now live
Nice, we got mentioned in Crystal Weekly
MetaRuby: Crystal Forum
MetaRuby is a forum dedicated to Rubyists, now it has a section dedicated to CrystalBe sure to check it out.