Lotus Framework

Lotus is a really interesting new-ish Ruby framework - anyone interested in it or played with it yet?

Just found this post that looks interesting Rails vs Lotus

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I’m currently “playing” with it. Doing some compatibility work on rubinius to run lotus on it. :smile:

What I really like about lotus, it’s a clear and well written codebase.
Also the philosophy of zero monkey-patching and bringing back better object orientation (vs rails dsl) is pretty awesome.

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That’s neat Benny :+1: I like how some of the newer frameworks are looking at compatibility with performant Rubies (like Volt is with JRuby).

I don’t mind money-patching but love the idea of OO :slight_smile:

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I might “play” with it but won’t use it for serious project yet.
Maybe bring some concepts back to rails (by writing gems)

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Roadmap just published: https://discuss.lotusrb.org/t/lotus-v0-5-0-roadmap/95

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Slides from Brighton Ruby