I’m looking to make a game with an isometric map. Think like a Sim City or Age of Empires type map layout. What JavaScript/HTML5 libraries would you recommend for implementing this?
If you know of iOS compatible libraries that would be a plus. Also any Ruby mix is a plus (with Opal or otherwise).
Elm Lang is also worth a look (I keep meaning to get the PragStudio casts to see what the fuss is all about) - but be warned it’s a functional language.
And the library I’ll be including to design my Isometric map is: Isomer Even it’s JavaScript looks like Ruby So it’ll be easy to integrate with Opal (I’m guessing).
Hey @danielpclark! Thanks for checking out opal-phaser and taking a look at my Fluttershy demo app! Sorry for the late reply; I only occasionally check on this forum and just now created an account to post this
Also, thanks @AstonJ for mentioning opal-phaser to newcomers interested in HTML5 game dev with Ruby!
Also, @danielpclark, if you’re interested in development with 3D stuff, you might check out three.rb , which wraps Three.js via Opal.
You also might want to check out opal-pixi, which is good for all sorts of 2D Canvas stuff in Ruby, including games.