Feedback on a ruby/git tutorial post I'm working on - Git as a KV store

Would love to hear what you guys think of it so far.

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Looks really good Bobby - exactly the sort of thing to put on a blog imo (things kinda get lost in all the noise on github).

I couldn’t see the slides though, it kept saying it was waiting for you to get online :confused:

interesting stuff. Want to have a play with this over the weekend.

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the full gem can be found here

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unfortunately failed on the require @ybur_yug

/home/fred/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.3/lib/ruby/2.1.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:in `require’: /home/fred/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.3@fred1/gems/gkv-0.2.2/lib/gkv/database.rb:35: syntax error, unexpected ‘:’, expecting => (SyntaxError)
{ “#{key}”: value }

it’s because you’re using the symbol-expecting hash syntax with a string. It’ll be ok if you use { “#{key}” => value }.

do you accept pull requests?

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Absolutely. The gem was in flux until today when I finished up some bugfixes. I would clone + build from source to be sure this still happens (if you didnt do it today, after about 3-4pm eastern). Currently the CI build is all passing so I’m not sure if this is still an issue.

Let me know. Open an issue on github and we can converse in there further so its documented with the repo if it is still existing :smile:
Thanks @RedFred7 !

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no probs, will do it tomorrow. Off to beddy-byes now :smile:

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Sleep well! for reference this is the set of tests that SHOULD catch that, let me know if i missed something etc

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