In the streets down below Roobykon’s offices, the crunch of fallen chestnuts under the feet of passers-by means one thing: autumn is here. But the cooling days don’t take any of the heat from the daily lives of our Ruby colleagues from around the world – as this latest haul of blog posts shows!
How to write your first CLI with Thor
Down in Brazil, Magentis are celebrating spring by moving their cloud infrastructure over to a new system. To this end, they created a series of shell scripts – but as these grew in number, things started to get messy. Then, an interview candidate inspired a Thor-based solution…
Introduction to Concurrency Models with Ruby. Part I
What are the differences between processes and threads? What are GIL, EventMachine, and Fibers in Ruby? If you’re still a relative beginner when it comes to the different…Continue reading here: Official Blog of Roobykon Software: News, Events, Projects, Plans for the Future