Are you a Ruby or Rails developer?

see what I did there? ’ Ruby or Rails’, get it? My inventiveness knows no bounds. :bigshimselfup:

Anyway, the point is: do you see yourself as a Rails developer primarily or as a Ruby developer who knows Rails. I’ve worked with a few people who learned Rails first and have no other Ruby experience outside of Rails. I mean no Sinatra, no CLI, no non-Rails stuff. They know Rails quite well, get things done with it and are very effective web developers. I’m just curious, what do you see yourself as, a Ruby or Rails developer ?

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I see myself as a Ruby developer… well actually, I see myself as a developer. Period.

Rails is just a tool, a framework, a hammer. Ruby is the toolbox.


I feel like a Ruby guru who uses Rails for anything webby/front end.


I used to call myself a Rails ‘operator’ :043:

Ruby dev.


I learned Ruby before Rails, so I’ve always thought of myself as a Ruby developer.


My job title is rails dev but prefer to be a Ruby guy who can play with all ruby frameworks…


I once had a gig where, on my first day, someone asked me ‘Are you the Rails guy ?’ I replied ‘No, I’m the Ruby guy’. He stared for a moment and then said ‘someone messed up, we were expecting a Rails guy’. True story…

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@RedFred7 Do you have some angst against Rails?

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Not really, just discussing the impact of Rails popularity on Ruby . As you know, most popular web frameworks (Django, Spring, etc) were built on an already popular language . No one really asks whether you’re a Django or Spring programmer they want a Python/Java programmer with knowledge of Django/Spring.

In Ruby it happened the other way round. As a result we see most job adverts for Rails (not Ruby) developers. Also, in my experience, some non-developers (project managers, recruiters, etc) don’t even realise that Rails is Ruby.

This thread is about exploring this theme and seeing how people feel about it. :relaxed:

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